Wednesday, February 22, 2012

She sought emergency medical care in annapolis ...

Awakening of the fog of anesthesia, Sandy Wilson found that she was a patient of a hospital, where she worked as a nurse. She remembered that child and say that she got an infection. But nothing could prepare her for what was hidden under leaves. Flesh-bacteria eat her alive. "When I looked at my belly, basically all the skin was gone and I could see my internal organs," she said. "I remember my intestines. I thought, "There, how can I live so ... This is a death sentence. "

All drugs, some infections as feared as this. It strikes out of the blue, especially people suffering from obesity, diabetes, cancer patients, recipients and others with weak immune systems growing group of Americans. It kills 20 percent of the victims and terribly distorts others. Previously to be caused almost exclusively one type of streptococcal bacteria. Here is a scary trend: drug-resistant staphylococcus MRSA superbakteriy as a fetus is able to make a "carnivorous" toxins and cause nightmarish infections, such as Wilson. To heal, doctors cut away dead tissue, but the infection often advances after they think they got it all. Inch by inch, he devours 34-year old Wilson. Spleen, gall bladder, appendix. Part of her stomach and eventually all her intestines. For five years, she had countless operations, including an unusual organ transplant. Most of that time she lived in hospitals and rehabilitation centers, feed tube and unable to give her son bath, read him stories at night, put it at night. She lost her marriage and suffered incredible pain. "It was like I was rotting from the inside," she said. "It was like something from a very funny sci-fi movie," said mother, Dotti Howarth Columbia, Maryland, and nurses. "I was afraid that she will not make it through this."

No one knows how Wilson got necrotizing fastsyyt (fash-e-e-EYE-tis), the official name of the infection. Testing began after her son Christopher was born on cesarean section on April 1, 2005. She developed a clotting problem and received a blood component association of hundreds of donors. After several weeks, she went home, but lasted only two days. The liquid created around her Caesarean section and her blood pressure dropped. She sought emergency care at a hospital in Annapolis and was taken to surgery, but doctors quickly closed it as soon as they realized that it was. They sent her to Baltimore shock trauma center, the state of modern hospitals that specialize in the most difficult, life-threatening cases. It is part of the University of Maryland Medical Center, where Wilson worked as a children's nurse emergency. "I remember well," as she was ill, said Dr. Thomas Scalea, percussion injury in the Life-chief. "Some people do not live. Sometimes you do the best thing to do, and disease more than medical care. The fact that she was a nurse with us, she just gave birth to a child, and all that made it very, very hard strattera 10mg. "

For two weeks, Wilson was retained while the sedative surgeons cut away rotten tissue and drain the fluid mean. "I can not tell you how many times I worked on it, probably 40, 50 times," said Scalea. "Every time we returned, we simply do not have control."

When Wilson was stable, doctors gathered the family to wake her up and tell the news. Wilson remembers looking at her hospital gown and seeing what looked like yellow Saran Wrap on her intestines. Loopy from the painkillers, she considered herself in science fiction "and that they make me work."

She feared her baby was dead, that it was somehow her fault, and that it had to be punished. Her family brought him to her through the window, but she accused them of borrowing a baby from the hospital. They photographed Christopher home with newspapers showing the current date, as thieves do to bring the captive alive. She is not convinced. Finally, when he was a few months, they put her in isolation from the dress and brought it to the boardroom. A tiny hand vysunulas his blanket. "I have freckles on my right hand, and he alone on the left in the same place. I remembered that, "said Wilson. "Then I thought," Well, here it is, it realistic. I must go home to him, that better now. "

But shoots only began to ravage her. In autumn of that year when she was discharged from the rehabilitation hospital, she fell ill again. She developed fistula holes in her intestines, allowing its contents seeping into her skin. She spent the next two years or Shock Trauma Rehabilitation Hospital, trying to heal these open wounds. Her family brought Christopher to visit a couple of times a week. "It was incredibly difficult," said Wilson. "I wanted to feed him and bathe him and dress him, and walk as he wept. I worked in a children's aid for 11 years. I waited all my life to do this for their child, to care for him and I could not. "First birthday

Christopher was in a rehabilitation hospital. For his second, Wilson was a medical coma and did not even see it. The boy took it calmly, and seemed to never be afraid, said Lori Walden-Inspector, another nurse and family friend. "He did not know differently. It was his mother, and she has always been in the hospital. For all he knew how to have all been "Walden-inspector said. For Wilson, though life was grim. "I was in pain all the time" and toshno pain medicine, said Wilson. She found solace Reiki, acupuncture and guided visual images of alternative methods of treatment that she gave her a sense of control when she was so helpless. But her health deteriorated. In December 2006, a few inches left of her small intestine and she developed liver. The only solution was risky: a small bowel transplant. Dr. Cal Matsumoto Wilson estimated one in Georgetown University Medical Center. "I remember the sauce. Everything you see is bowel with holes in it, like a bunch of worms out of your abdominal wall, "he said. "It was very bad." Transplantation

came Dec. 16, 2007. Doctors got transplants of colon, too, because the damage was so great, said Wilson. A month ago, devouring her first meal since May 2005: climbing, squash, salad and cake. "I loved this salad. I shared it with Christopher. It was so amazing when he came into this room and saw I have, "she said. "It was amazing to actually be able to chew something, and have different tastes in your mouth."

But there were more failures before Wilson returned home for good at the end of January 2008. She was hospitalized several times since then to make sure no signs of fever rejection of authority. She had surgery to graft skin and to connect to the transplanted bowel is left of her thick, so that it no longer need to wear a bag to collect waste. The last of these operations, all hope was in February. Wilson believes that her departure worth about $ 5 million, paid the first couple of insurance plans, and then

and disability. It should be immune suppression drugs for the rest of her life. Her stomach quilt of scars that her son likes to rush into the arms. He challenges her

lightsaber duels. He asks her to take it to your favorite park, where she threw the ultimate Star Wars theme playing their fifth birthday in April. "My life is pretty normal. I enjoy spending every minute I can at home with his son, "said Wilson. It is a bold goal: to return to work, perhaps the hospital where she went from nurse to patient and, hopefully, to nurse again. "I would like to be able to help someone who has been through it."

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